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Campus: 1Change
Term: WINT24Change
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- ANTH - Anthropology
- ARCH - Archaeology
- BIOC - Biochemistry
- BIOL - Biology
- BUSI - Business
- CHEM - Chemistry
- CIV - Civil Engineering
- CLAS - Classics
- COMP - Computer Science
- CRIM - Criminology
- EASC - Earth Sciences
- ECE - Electrical/Computer Engineer
- ECON - Economics
- ED - Education
- ENGI - Engineering
- ENGL - English
- ENVS - Environmental Science
- FOLK - Folklore
- FREN - French
- GEOG - Geography
- GERM - German
- GNDR - Gender Studies
- HIST - History
- HKR - Human Kinetics And Recreation
- HUBI - Human Biosciences
- LING - Linguistics
- LWPP - Law And Public Policy
- MATH - Mathematics
- ME - Mechanical Engineering
- MED - Medicine
- MEMS - Medieval & Early Modern Stud
- MUS - Music
- NURS - Nursing
- OCSC - Ocean Sciences
- PHAR - Pharmacy
- PHIL - Philosophy
- PHYS - Physics
- POSC - Political Science
- PROC - Process Engineering
- PSYC - Psycology
- RELS - Religious Studies
- SCWK - Social Work
- SOCI - Sociology
- SPAN - Spanish
- STAT - Statistics
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